Offering details and ordering
Only get what you need.
A simple process
Tapping the Order button will open an email to us where you tell us what you want to receive.
We will then send you a simple 4-page Onboarding form.
If you have a Health Services Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA), it may be possible to use them for your Report.
There are no hidden fees.
Family, friends and more
You can gift any Level One or Level Two to anybody.
Any subscription comes with three Reports that you can also transfer to family or a friend.
You can credit any Level One towards any Level Two. If you first buy a Level One Annual Subscription and you then want to convert it to a Level Two One-Time Report, the extra $1,000 you paid will be credited toward any further purchase, transfer or gift.
A subscription is also use-or-lose. If you don't request it during your year of purchase, it won't be credited to the following year.
Level One
Delivers to you a cross-reference of every medication you are taking for contraindications and side effects as they relate to your actual experience.
Option 1: One-Time Report; $1,400
Option 2: Annual Subscription; $3,400
The subscription includes up to three (3) Reports. Consider it if your medications are likely to change during the year. You can also transfer or gift any unused Report requests to family or a friend.
Level Two
This includes Level One and adds potential alternative medications, with supporting evidence, to help you self-advocate with your doctor(s).
Option 1: One-Time Report; $2,400
Option 2: Annual Subscription: $6,400
The subscription includes up to three (3) Reports. Consider it if your medications are likely to change during the year. You can also transfer or gift any unused Report requests to family or a friend.
Please Keep-in-Mind Disclaimer:
Biovista and its affiliate Biovista Personalized Medicine (together Biovista) are providing the information in any AI Health Shield report (the "Report") delivered to any individual or organization “As Is” and for informational purposes only. Any Report, Biovista, its employees, advisors and affiliates are not replacing the treatment advice or plan for any subscriber or interested party receiving this report (the Report Recipient). Any Report Recipient should always consult with their licensed healthcare professional who is directly responsible for their care before doing anything to affect their health. Biovista accepts no liability from any Report Recipient for any use or non-use of the report herein or the information it contains. Receipt of any Biovista report means the Report Recipient has read and understood these terms.