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Helping you self-advocate for your health with real data

Your AI Health Shield is a 10-page custom report where all your medicines are cross-referenced against each other to explain any side effects you may be experiencing and what to do about them. We process very large amounts of biomedical research data to help you be a better advocate for your own health.

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40 million

This is how many healthcare research reports we analyze from the past 50 years.

3 million

This is how many new reports and cases there are every year that we digest. This is hard for anybody, including doctors, to keep up with.


This is about how many diseases and side effects we have in our databases. Our coverage is as comprehensive as possible.


This is how many prescription and over the counter (OTC) medicines we have in our databases. We include about everything on the market.


The AI Health Shield is an easy-to-read report that shows how the medicines you are taking may work against each other and cause specific side effects. It also includes possible alternatives that may work better, and the real-world evidence to support these possibilities.

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If you, a loved one, or a friend, are taking different medicines, side effects are likely. These side effects can become significant. Finally, the medicines may not be as effective as hoped for your unique case.

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Your Shield will cross-reference what you are taking against the millions of research reports and case studies that help advance medical science. Armed and empowered by this, you are better prepared to self-advocate with your doctor(s).

If you or a loved one are on on this "journey,"
then the Shield is for you (them).

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Taking many medicines

Your Shield will explain drug interactions and contraindications. 

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Seeing multiple doctors

It integrates data so that you can self-advocate with all of your doctors.

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Still feeling sick

It helps explain why and delivers evidence-based options to discuss.

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Unsure what to ask next

We hope your Shield will help empower you with data about what to ask next.

How it works and what to expect

360 degree view

The AI Health Shield cross-references the millions of healthcare research reports in public archives against practically all diseases, side effects and medicines.

Unbiased Augmented Intelligence

It keeps the human in the loop and explains all its conclusions. This is not typical Artificial Intelligence which is opaque and often biased when used for healthcare.

What you receive

Your Shield is 11-12 pages long, easy to navigate, and very clear about what it shows. You can use it to help with your own understanding and self-advocacy.


Your Shield includes data and evidence presented clearly. It is not false hope or medical advice. It is information to help you self-advocate. It does not replace your doctor(s). If you use it or not is up to you.

This is not an automaton

Behind the scenes, the computer's results are confirmed by a human expert and your Report is generated. We feel this is the best synergy between amazing humans and machines working together. 


Your Shield uses technology from Biovista. It has been in continuous development for the past 18 years.

What real people say.

"The AI Health Shield helped me understand my medical issue more. One drug change and I felt better, thank you!"

Ed N., 2024

"As a clinician using this for myself, my Shield helped guide the direction of my care when many colleague doctors trying to treat me were doing trial/error. Thank you!"

Dr. Kate P., 2024

"I wish I had had this for my Mom."

Ana C., 2024

"My Dad was not responding to his treatment. His Shield found alternatives. His doctor made the changes. Side effects became much easier."

Graham A., 2024

"The AI Health Shield helped me in real-world ways when I needed it."

Anthony C., 2024

"Well worth it to me and my family. Did not feel helpless and knew what to ask the doctors."

Kay V., 2024

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Only get what you need.


Choose between a one time Report or an annual Subscription (up to three Reports, which are also transferrable).


Then, choose between two levels, depending on your specific health advocacy need and budget.


If you have one and it could apply, consider using your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

Level One

The focus is medication interactions and contraindications that may be causing your side effects. These include any OTCs you may be taking.

Level Two

The focus is medication alternatives that may be better options for you.


Realities today:



This is how many patients experience side effects from their medicines.


This is how many patients feel ignored or not listened to when they describe their health issues.

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